How useless projects contribute to exits of $120 Million

Business & Innovation
Mittwoch, 7. Mai 2014 - 15:00 bis 15:30
stage J


During this session I will share insights & lessons learned from our Geek/Maker un-conferences (such as:, and Drinkcon) and how they contribute to the development of the Israeli Eco System.


These events, which are non for profit, attract a critical mass of top entrepreneurs & Geeks in Israel, promoting hans-on creativity within very short time periods. One of the "side effect" of these events is, among others, creation of top startups. As an example,, an un-conference for “hacking the digital lifestyle”/"summer camp for grown-ups" limits it's participants to create useless projects only!

The Geekcon platform, driven by the guideline: “hacking the digital lifestyle”, started 9 years ago in 2005. It is a non for profit, invitation only platform, dedicated to the promotion of “out of the box” creativity and hands-on innovation. The annual un-conference, often referred to as a “summer camp” for Geeks, attracting a critical mass of around 180 of Israel’s top entrepreneurs and technological innovators.

The Geekcon creativity has attracted some big-name sponsors including General Motors, Microsoft, Intel, Yahoo!, Autodesk, Google and others. GeekCon is run by a team of volunteers, most of whom are serial entrepreneurs. So far, Geekcon has contributed to exits in value of over $120 Million.

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