Delia Browne
Co-Founder / Director

Delia is one of the co-founders of Peer 2 Peer University ( P2PU) (www.p2pu.og<http://www.p2pu.og> ), an online disruptive open education initiative which is partnering with Creative Commons to build a School of Open( and with the Open Knowlege Foundation building a school of Data and rebooting the School of Webcraft with Mozilla Foundation  amongst other exciting initiatives. Her popular P2PU course Copyright 4 Educators is now up to 6th iteration and has almost 95 % student retention rate, rare for any open online course.

Delia is a strong advocate of the open education movement and has actively participated in several international meetings on promoting open resources, technology and teaching practices in education. Delia works closely with Creative Commons and the Open Society Institue and others to  promote open education in Australia and throughout the world.

She is an extremely experienced copyright law policy lawyer and is currently the National Copyright Director of Australian Schools and Technical and Advcanced Education colleges(TAFEs). Delia manages the National Copyright Unit which provides specialist copyright advice to schools and the TAFE sector, implements smart copying initiatives and conducts negotiations with collecting societies on behalf of schools and TAFE institutes. In her current role- she led the successful 2005- 2006 education law reform efforts which led to the introduction of free educational use copyright exceptions. She is currently advocating for the introduction of fair use in response to the ALRC Review Copyright and the Digital Economy.

Research & Education
08.05.2014 - 15:30 bis 16:00
stage 1